Kolumbusz Kristóf

Epizódok 26
Időtartam 25 mins
Állapot Vége
Kiadás Dátuma november 28, 1992
End Date március 30, 1993
Formátum TV-Sorozat

An anime commemorating the 500th anniversary of Columbus' landing to the New World.

Christopher Columbus is a man of strong will. His life is full of drama. Born in Genoa, he realizes his dream of becoming a sailor, dares to search for a new route, and finally reaches his goal, discovering a new land in the process. Sometimes in desperation, sometimes in excitement, his experiences are truly extraordinary.

Note: The series originally broadcasted in Italy on Canale 5 from November 28, 1992 to March 30, 1993. In Japan, it was broadcasted exactly a decade later from November 28, 2002 to March 30, 2003.

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